All versions of ocenaudio

Download here for free, your ocenaudio version to the platform of your choice!
Click here for a summary of changes between versions.

Microsoft Windows (info)

Compatible with Windows 10 and 11 (64-bit)

Microsoft Windows (portable) (info)

Compatible with Windows 10 and 11 (64-bit)

Mac OS X Sierra (info)

Compatible with Mac OS X 10.12 and 10.13 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Debian 10 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Debian 11 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Debian 12 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Ubuntu 18.04 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - deb package (info)

Compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - rpm package (info)

Compatible with Fedora 39 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - rpm package (info)

Compatible with Fedora 40 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - rpm package (info)

Compatible with Rocky Linux 9.3 (64-bit)

Linux 64-bit - rpm package (info)

Compatible with openSUSE Leap 15 (64-bit)

Linux 64 bits - pacman package (info)

Compatible with ArchLinux (64-bit)